Install PHP_CodeSniffer: ======================== pear install PHP_CodeSniffer Check the code with: ==================== phpcs --standard=/path/to/the/PhOSCo/folder /path/to/the/src/folder >/tmp/code-errors.txt vi /tmp/code-errors.txt Or integrate it as external tool into Eclipse: ============================================== * Open External tool configuration window * set the name to "CodeSniffer" * set /usr/bin/phpcs as Location * set --standard="${project_loc}/libs/codesniffer/PhOSCo" "${selected_resource_loc}" as Arguments * on the Build tab set the parameters as needed * click "Apply" and "Close" * select one of the folders or *.php files * execute the external tool "CodeSniffer" * review the errors within the console output within Eclipse correct all listed errors (...I hate it)! =========================================